Greg Lingo Inducted Into UDHS Alumni Wall of Fame

Greg Lingo and Alumni Employee's of Rockwell celebrating Greg's induction into UDHS Wall of Fame.

This past Friday, November 5, Rockwell Custom’s president, Greg Lingo, was inducted into the Upper Darby High School Alumni Wall of Fame, a ceremony that was broadcasted to inspire current students into achieving their dreams. Greg graduated from UDHS in 1990 and has since given back to the school in several ways, including supporting a scholarship and developing an SAT prep program for UDHS students. He was also the recipient of the prestigious Upper Darby School District Service to Children Award in 2016.

In his acceptance speech, Greg highlights three pillars: failure, faith and character. He most notably encourages students to not be afraid of failure and to have faith that they will be okay no matter how things turn out; that there will be bumps in the road and the way your character is developed is based on how you respond to the few chances life gives you to truly define yourself. Greg also notes the importance of giving back to the community, to which he states “You will be remembered for what you give, not necessarily for what you have,” a belief that  inspired Greg to create The Giving Circles at Rockwell Custom.

Pictured above are UDHS Alumni and colleagues at Rockwell Custom, Bob McLaughlin and Christoff Minott, celebrating Greg’s induction into the Wall of Fame.

You can watch Greg’s full acceptance speech here.